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Nat Med:三维细胞培养抗癌


    近日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Nature Medicine》杂志发表多伦多大学Senthil Muthuswamy教授的一篇论文,介绍使用三维细胞培养技术从胰腺癌症病人组织中扩增和培养原代癌细胞类器官的新成果。该技术有望直接使用病人的组织进行有针对性的研究和快速而经济的个体化的药物测试。







    哈佛大学教授Pier Paolo Pandolfi在评论该项研究时讲到,“胰腺癌是很恶性的疾病。晚期病人和肿瘤已扩散的病人的生存率只有百分之三左右。这就要求我们能有早期诊断和新型的治疗方法。这项类器官培养技术使得我们能够建立胰腺癌模型来研究和筛选药物以用于精准治疗。”


    原文链接:Ductal pancreatic cancer modeling and drug screening using human pluripotent stem cell– and patient-derived tumor organoids


    原文摘要:There are few in vitro models of exocrine pancreas development and primary human pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC). We establish three-dimensional culture conditions to induce the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into exocrine progenitor organoids that form ductal and acinar structures in culture and in vivo. expression of mutant KRAS or TP53 in progenitor organoids induces mutation-specific phenotypes in culture and in vivo. expression of TP53R175H induces cytosolic SOX9 localization. In patient tumors bearing TP53 mutations, SOX9 was cytoplasmic and associated with mortality. We also define culture conditions for clonal generation of tumor organoids from freshly resected PDAC. Tumor organoids maintain the differentiation status, histoarchitecture and phenotypic heterogeneity of the primary tumor and retain patient-specific physiological changes, including hypoxia, oxygen consumption, epigenetic marks and differences in sensitivity to inhibition of the histone methyltransferase EZH2. Thus, pancreatic progenitor organoids and tumor organoids can be used to model PDAC and for drug screening to identify precision therapy strategies.


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