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  11月19日的国际学术期刊《Cell》杂志上发表德国癌症中心研究部及分子生物学研究所研究员Christof Niehrs发表的一项研究论文,研究论文发现Wnt信号通过对雄性生殖细胞的影响。



  Niehrs研究小组的Stefan Koch和Sergio Acebron在小鼠中发现了这一成熟过程背后的一个神秘的因子。





  原文链接:Post-transcriptional Wnt Signaling Governs Epididymal Sperm Maturation


  原文摘要:The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is of paramount importance in development and disease. An emergent question is whether the upstream cascade of the canonical Wnt pathway has physiologically relevant roles beyond β-catenin-mediated transcription, which is difficult to study due to the pervasive role of this protein. Here, we show that transcriptionally silent spermatozoa respond to Wnt signals released from the epididymis and that mice mutant for the Wnt regulator Cyclin Y-like 1 are male sterile due to immotile and malformed spermatozoa. Post-transcriptional Wnt signaling impacts spermatozoa through GSK3 by (1) reducing global protein poly-ubiquitination to maintain protein homeostasis; (2) inhibiting septin 4 phosphorylation to establish a membrane diffusion barrier in the sperm tail; and (3) inhibiting protein phosphatase 1 to initiate sperm motility. The results indicate that Wnt signaling orchestrates a rich post-transcriptional sperm maturation program and invite revisiting transcription-independent Wnt signaling in somatic cells as well.



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