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Cell Rep:保护神经细胞的“神秘”蛋白


    国际学术期刊cell reports上发表德国海德堡大学的研究人员领导的最新研究,研究发现激活的神经元细胞可以释放一种"神秘"蛋白,保护神经细胞免受死亡威胁。



    在这项最新研究中,研究人员通过研究NMDA受体找到了答案。他们发现如果这些受体分子没有定位在神经连接位置(如突触),它们就不能对细胞起到保护作用,并且它们还会对神经细胞造成严重损伤,导致细胞死亡。而脑活性增强可以抑制突触外的毒性NMDA受体,研究人员已经发现activin A是激活这一过程的关键蛋白。

    Activin A在女性月经周期以及伤口愈合等过程中发挥重要作用。神经元活性可以刺激神经系统产生Activin A,这会导致突触外NMDA受体减少,从而建立了一个能够保护细胞的"防护罩",除此之外,Activin A还会介导BDNF发挥保护性活性。因此我们可以认为Activin A是脑部神经保护机制的关键激活因子 。

    原文链接:BDNF Reduces Toxic Extrasynaptic NMDA Receptor Signaling via Synaptic NMDA Receptors and Nuclear-Calcium-Induced Transcription of inhba/Activin A

    原文摘要:The health of neurons is critically dependent on the relative signaling intensities of survival-promoting synaptic and death-inducing extrasynaptic NMDA receptors. Here, we show that BDNF is a regulator of this balance and promotes neuroprotection by reducing toxic NMDA receptor signaling. BDNF acts by initiating synaptic NMDA-receptor/nuclear-calcium-driven adaptogenomics, leading to increased expression of inhibin β-A (inhba). Inhibin β-A (its homodimer is known as activin A) in turn reduces neurotoxic extrasynaptic NMDA-receptor-mediated calcium influx, thereby shielding neurons against mitochondrial dysfunction, a major cause of excitotoxicity. Thus, BDNF induces acquired neuroprotection by enhancing synaptic activity and lowering extrasynaptic NMDA receptor death signaling through a nuclear calcium-inhibin β-A pathway. This process, which confers protection against ischemic brain damage in a mouse stroke model, may be compromised in Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or aging-related neurodegenerative conditions that are associated with reduced BDNF levels and/or enhanced extrasynaptic NMDA receptor signaling.



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