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Sci Transl Med:免疫细胞多样性更容易感染HIV


美国斯坦福大学的研究人员Dara M. Strauss-Albee说,自然杀伤细胞更大的多样性或会使某些人更容易感染HIV-1及可能还有其它的病毒。这些结果提出了利用自然杀伤细胞多样性来预测未来对疾病易感程度的可能性。作为身体的第一线免疫防御(称作先天免疫),自然杀伤细胞是随时做好准备的刺客,它们可快速地了结感染病毒的细胞及肿瘤细胞。虽然已知自然杀伤细胞是由不同细胞群组成的,但人们对这些细胞的多样性如何影响自然杀伤细胞抗感染的能力则知之甚少。为了寻找答案,Dara Strauss-Albee和同事用一种被称作大量细胞计数法的技术来检查单一的自然杀伤细胞。对健康成人的血样本及健康新生儿的脐带血样本所做的分析揭示:在出生时,自然杀伤细胞的多样性十分低下,但它会在人的一生中逐步扩展。然而,与适应性免疫不同(在适应性免疫中,免疫细胞的多样性能提高这些细胞识别和攻击一大批病原体的能力),自然杀伤细胞多样性似乎是有害的。在13位具有感染HIV-1高风险的非洲妇女中,自然杀伤细胞的高度多样化与HIV-1感染有着强相关性,从而使她们中某些人感染HIV-1的风险增加了2.5倍以上。研究人员提出,随着自然杀伤细胞专一性的增加,它们可能也失去了其对新病原体的调适能力,这可能是在反应速度和灵动性之间的一种折衷。这些发现暗示,自然杀伤细胞多样性也许在某一天可充当预测感染转归的一个临床标志。


说明: 在具有感染HIV风险的非洲妇女中(上)的一项新的研究表明,自然杀伤细胞的高度多样化与HIV-1感染强列相关。研究人员说,自然杀伤细胞多样化或能被用来预测感染的转归。


Human NK cell repertoire diversity reflects immune experience and correlates with viral susceptibility


Innate natural killer (NK) cells are diverse at the single-cell level because of variegated expressions of activating and inhibitory receptors, yet the developmental roots and functional consequences of this diversity remain unknown. Because NK cells are critical for antiviral and antitumor responses, a better understanding of their diversity could lead to an improved ability to harness them therapeutically. We found that NK diversity is lower at birth than in adults. During an antiviral response to either HIV-1 or West Nile virus, NK diversity increases, resulting in terminal differentiation and cytokine production at the cost of cell division and degranulation. In African women matched for HIV-1 exposure risk, high NK diversity is associated with increased risk of HIV-1 acquisition. Existing diversity may therefore decrease the flexibility of the antiviral response. Collectively, the data reveal that human NK diversity is a previously undefined metric of immune history and function that may be clinically useful in forecasting the outcomes of infection and malignancy.


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