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Nat Com:中韩学者联合发现能研制更好的流感疫苗的抗体


    Nature Communications上发表的一项研究报告了一种新发现的人抗体,它能中和小鼠的几个子类型的甲型流感病毒。


    George Gao及同事对正在从2009年猪流感(H1N1)疫情中康复的患者的免疫细胞进行了研究,分离出一种具有强中和活性的抗体。该抗体能够与几个子类型的流感病毒相结合,阻止它们感染易感细胞。当给感染了甲型流感的小鼠使用该抗体时,它能保护它们不会因感染 H1N1、H3N2和H5N1子类型的病毒而发病或死亡,并且针对最近出现的感染人类的H7N9病毒也有保护作用。这一抗体和其他广谱中和抗体的活性范围之宽表明,它们有可能用作针对当前和未来的流行病毒的新型抗病毒药物。


A potent broad-spectrum protective human monoclonal antibody crosslinking two haemagglutinin monomers of influenza A virus



Effective annual influenza vaccination requires frequent changes in vaccine composition due to both antigenic shift for different subtype hemagglutinins (HAs) and antigenic drift in a particular HA. Here we present a broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibody with an unusual binding modality. The antibody, designated CT149, was isolated from convalescent patients infected with pandemic H1N1 in 2009. CT149 is found to neutralize all tested group 2 and some group 1 influenza A viruses by inhibiting low pH-induced, HA-mediated membrane fusion. It promotes killing of infected cells by Fc-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity. X-ray crystallographic data reveal that CT149 binds primarily to the fusion domain in HA2, and the light chain is also largely involved in binding. The epitope recognized by this antibody comprises amino-acid residues from two adjacent protomers of HA. This binding characteristic of CT149 will provide more information to support the design of more potent influenza vaccines.


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