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    澳大利亚和新加坡的科学家们揭示了“间谍”免疫细胞的生成机制,这项发表在Nature Immunology杂志上的研究有助于人们更好的操纵免疫系统治疗相关疾病。


    新加坡A*STAR的Dr Andreas Schlitzer及其同事、澳大利亚Walter and Eliza Hall研究所的Dr Shalin Naik和Mr Jaring Schreuder发现,每一种亚型的树突状细胞都有自己独特的母细胞。

    Dr Naik指出,这些细胞相当于是免疫系统的情报员。“树突状细胞负责告诉T细胞和NK细胞病毒、细菌、真菌或者癌症长什么样,以便它们锁定攻击目标。”


    Walter and Eliza Hall研究所此前的研究显示,存在不同亚型的树突状细胞,分别识别特定类型的感染。研究人员还揭示了生成树突状细胞的前体细胞。

    “在这项研究中,我们使用最新技术对单个免疫细胞及其子细胞进行了检测。我们发现,树突状细胞并不是来自于共同的前体细胞。相反,每一种亚型都有自己独特的前体细胞,”新加坡A*STAR的Dr Florent Ginhoux说。

    靶标这些前体细胞可以让免疫治疗更加有效,Dr Ginhoux说。“举例来说,针对涉及红斑狼疮的树突状细胞亚型,抑制相应的前体细胞,可以有效治疗这种自身免疫疾病,同时减少对其他免疫细胞的影响。”


    分析血细胞的家谱有助于理解疾病发生时出现的问题, Dr Naik说。“我们体内的血细胞和免疫细胞都来自于造血干细胞,”他说。

    原文标题:Identification of cDC1- and cDC2-committed DC progenitors reveals early lineage priming at the common DC progenitor stage in the bone marrow

    原文摘要:Mouse conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) can be classified into two functionally distinct lineages: the CD8α+ (CD103+) cDC1 lineage, and the CD11b+ cDC2 lineage. cDCs arise from a cascade of bone marrow (BM) DC-committed progenitor cells that include the common DC progenitors (CDPs) and pre-DCs, which exit the BM and seed peripheral tissues before differentiating locally into mature cDCs. wher and when commitment to the cDC1 or cDC2 lineage occurs remains poorly understood. Here we found that transcriptional signatures of the cDC1 and cDC2 lineages became evident at the single-cell level from the CDP stage. We also identified Siglec-H and Ly6C as lineage markers that distinguished pre-DC subpopulations committed to the cDC1 lineage (Siglec-H−Ly6C−pre-DCs) or cDC2 lineage (Siglec-H−Ly6C+ pre-DCs). Our results indicate that commitment to the cDC1 or cDC2 lineage occurs in the BM and not in the periphery.



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