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Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol


NLM 缩写: Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol

NLM ID101176023

出版国家: United States

出版地: Berkeley, CA

出版商: Bepress

创刊年份: 2002

语言: 英语


ISSN1544-6115 (电子版)

1544-6115 (ISSNLinking)

目前收录于: IM

PubMed收录: YES

研究领域: 遗传学、分子生物学、统计专题


Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press. ISSN: 1544-6115.

Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology seeks to publish significant research on the application of statistical ideas to problems arising from computational biology. The focus of the papers should be on the relevant statistical issues but should contain a succinct description of the relevant biological problem being considered. The range of topics is wide and will include topics such as linkage mapping, association studies, gene finding and sequence alignment, protein structure prediction, design and analysis of microarray data, molecular evolution and phylogenetic trees, DNA topology, and data base search strategies.


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