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Clinical oral implants research


Clinical oral implants research

 NLM 缩写: Clin Oral Implants Res

NLM ID9105713 

出版国家: Denmark

出版地: Copenhagen

出版商: Munksgaard International Publishers

出版周期: 双月刊

创刊年份: 1990

语言: 英语 

SCI收录: YES  

ISSN0905-7161 (印刷版)

1600-0501 (电子版)

0905-7161 (ISSNLinking) 

目前收录于: Dental

PubMed收录: YES 

研究领域: 牙科植入、牙科植入物

杂志简介/稿件收录要求    This journal conveys scientific progress in the field of implant dentistry and its related areas to clinicians teachers and researchers concerned with the application of this information for the benefit of patients in need of oral implants. The journal addresses itself to clinicians general practitioners periodontists oral and maxillofacial surgeons and prosthodontists as well as to teachers academicians and scholars involved in the education of professionals and in the scientific promotion of the field of implant dentistry.


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