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Ecology letters


Ecology letters

影响因子: 17.949

I S S N: 1461-023X

出 版 社: Blackwell Publishing

出 版 地: Oxford, UK

出版国家: England

刊  期: 月刊

创刊时间: 1998

语  种: 英文

审稿周期: 约1.8个月

中科院分区: 1

投稿命中率: 33%

国外数据库收录: IM

中国收录文章数: 15

5年影响因子: 17.949

研究领域: 生物科学、生态学


Ecology Letters is particularly interested in contributions to the following areas: behavioural ecology, ecological aspects of conservation and management, ecological genetics, ecophysiology, ecosystem ecology, marine ecology, microbial ecology, and plant ecology. Ecology Letters is a forum for the very rapid publication of original research in ecology. Manuscripts relating to the ecology of all taxa, in any biome and geographic area will be considered, and priority will be given to those papers exploring or testing clearly stated hypotheses. The journal aims to publish concise papers that merit urgent publication by virtue of their originality a general interest and their contribution to new developments in ecology. We discourage purely descriptive papers and those merely extending results of previous work.


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