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Cancer cell


影响因子: 24.755

I S S N: 1535-6108

出 版 社: Cell Press

出 版 地: Cambridge, Mass

出版国家: United States

刊  期: 月刊

创刊时间: 2002

语  种: 英文

审稿周期: 偏慢,4-8周

中科院分区: 1

投稿命中率: 极难

国外数据库收录: IM

中国收录文章数: 10

5年影响因子: 28.174

研究领域: 肿瘤


Cancer Cell publishes reports of novel results in any area of cancer research, from molecular and cellular biology to clinical oncology. The work should be not only of exceptional significance within its field but also of interest to researchers outside the immediate area. In addition, Cancer Cell provides expert analysis and commentary on seminal findings in cancer research, diagnosis and treatment. The goal of Cancer Cell is to promote the exchange of ideas and concepts across the entire cancer community, cultivating new areas of basic research and clinical investigation.


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