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Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research


Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR
  NLM 缩写: J Exp Clin Cancer Res
NLM ID: 8308647 
出版国家: England
出版地: London
出版商: BioMed Central
出版周期: 季刊
创刊年份: 1982
语言: 英语 
ISSN: 0392-9078 (印刷版)
1756-9966 (电子版)
0392-9078 (ISSNLinking) 
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 肿瘤学


杂志简介/稿件收录要The Journal of Experimental Botany publishes high-quality primary research papers in the plant sciences. These papers cover a range of disciplines from molecular and cellular physiology and biochemistry through whole plant physiology to community physiology. The Editors also encourage the submission of methods papers and short papers which discuss the significance of novel gene sequences ('gene notes'). Short communications can be submitted but these must contain significant results and should not be viewed as an alternative publication route for papers previously rejected as too slight. Every issue of the Journal contains at least one 'Perspective' article. These are most commonly reviews of research areas which are particularly exciting and important topical or controversial. Opinion papers can also be considered. All papers are fully reviewed. A Special Issue is published each year in addition to 12 regular issues which contains a collection of articles derived from a specialised meeting or conference session. The Journal will endeavour to complete the review process with all speed. The average times for submission to publication are posted below. The Journal of Experimental Botany is sponsored by the Society for Experimental Biology.


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