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European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging


NLM 缩写: Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging
NLM ID: 101140988 
出版国家: Germany
出版地: Berlin
出版商: Springer-Verlag Berlin
出版周期: 月刊
创刊年份: 2002
语言: 英语 
ISSN: 1619-7070 (印刷版)
1619-7089 (电子版)
1619-7070 (ISSNLinking) 
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 影像诊断、放射性同位素诊断技术、核医学、核医学

杂志简介/稿件收录要求 The European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging is a forum for the exchange of clinical and scientific information for the nuclear medicine community and allied professions involved in the functional, metabolic and molecular investigation of disease. The journal will is primary interest to those practising in the field of nuclear medicine but also reports on original works relating to physics, dosimetry, radiation biology, computer science, radiochemistry and pharmacy. The journal welcomes original material reflecting the growing field of molecular imaging probes, reporter gene assays, cell trafficking, targeting of endogenous gene expression and antisense methodologies. The journal publishes in-depth Reviews of topical interest, Occasional Surveys, Short Communications and correspondence. A section on Controversies is also a new. Case reports are not published. Official Journal of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM).


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