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Animal cognition

NLM 缩写: Anim CognNLM ID: 9814573出版国家: Germany出版地: Berlin出版商: Springer出版周期: 双月刊创刊年份: 1998语...


NLM 缩写: Anim Cogn
NLM ID: 9814573
出版国家: Germany
出版地: Berlin
出版商: Springer
出版周期: 双月刊
创刊年份: 1998
语言: 英语
ISSN: 1435-9448 (印刷版)
1435-9456 (电子版)
1435-9448 (ISSNLinking)
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES
研究领域: 动物行为、认知、学习、比较心理学

 Animal Cognition is an interdisciplinary journal publishing current research from various backgrounds and disciplines (ethology behavioral ecology animal behaviour and learning cognitive sciences comparative psychology and evolutionary psychology) on all aspects of animal (and human) cognition in an evolutionary framework. The aim of the journal is to establish the course of the evolution of "intelligence" of the mechanisms functions and adaptive value of basic and complex cognitive abilities from invertebrates to humans. Animal Cognition publishes original empirical and theoretical work reviews short communications and correspondence on the mechanisms and evolution of biologically rooted cognitive-intellectual structures. Experiments and field studies with animals and humans and the comparative method will be given preference but simulation models and theoretical analyses will be also considered. Papers on the following topics are particularly welcome: How do animals categorize and recognize individuals (potential mates offspring) food spatial patterns How do animals form concepts Which rules of logic and decision are used and how do these work What satisficing heuristics do animals use How do animals reason about their social world ;How do animals learn by observation imitation and instruction Animal time perception and use; causality detection Innate reaction patterns and innate bases of learning Numerical competence and frequency expectancies Symbol use; communication Problem solving animal thinking and use of tools Modularity of the mind How do these topics relate to the natural ecology of the species concerned




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