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Scandinavian Journal Of Rheumatology

NLM 缩写: Scand J RheumatolNLM ID: 0321213出版国家: England出版地: London出版商: Informa Healthcare出版周期: 双月...


NLM 缩写: Scand J Rheumatol
NLM ID: 0321213
出版国家: England
出版地: London
出版商: Informa Healthcare
出版周期: 双月刊
创刊年份: 1972
语言: 英语
ISSN: 0300-9742 (印刷版)
1502-7732 (电子版)
0300-9742 (ISSNLinking)
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES
研究领域: 关节炎、风湿性疾病

  The journal is an international scientific journal covering clinical and experimental aspects of rheumatic diseases. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology is essential reading for rheumatologists and also for general practitioners, orthopaedic surgeons, radiologists, pharmacologists, pathologists and health professionals with an interest in patients with rheumatic diseases. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology is published for the Scandinavian Rheumatology Research Foundation and is the official journal of the Scandinavian Society for Rheumatology. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology publishes original papers within the various fields of clinical and experimental rheumatology, such as: clinical aspects of rheumatic disorders including pharmacotherapy, prophylaxis, surgical and other treatments; laboratory investigations, including mainly biochemistry, immunology, immunopathology, microbiology, histopathology, pathophysiology and pharmacology; radiological, magnetic, and other forms of imaging; and epidemiologicial, genetic, and social aspects. Editorials, short papers and review articles are also published. Brief letters to the Editor will be accepted. Reviews of new books are included. The scientific standard is the only criterion for accepting an article for publication. "Scandinavian" does not imply a journal restricted to Scandinavian research. The journal welcomes international papers and invites both Scandinavian and other investigators to submit their manuscripts for publication in the journal. All papers are published in English.




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