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Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med

新刊名: Nature reviews. CardiologyNLM 缩写: Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc MedNLM ID: 101226507出版国家: England出版地...


新刊名: Nature reviews. Cardiology
NLM 缩写: Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med
NLM ID: 101226507
出版国家: England
出版地: London, New York
出版商: Nature Pub. Group
出版周期: 月刊
创刊年份: 2004
更名年份: 2009
语言: 英语
ISSN: 1743-4297 (印刷版)
1743-4300 (电子版)
1743-4297 (ISSNLinking)
PubMed收录: YES
研究领域: 心血管疾病

 Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine provides cardiologists with authoritative and timely interpretations of key developments in the field, translating the latest findings into clinical practice. Content includes editorial and opinion pieces, highlights from the current literature, commentaries on the application of recent research to practical patient care, comprehensive reviews, and in-depth case studies. Content is subject to rigorous peer-review. Coverage includes acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias, angina/coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy/heart failure, concomitant disease, congenital conditions, hypertension, imaging, infection, interventional cardiology, pathology, stroke, surgery/transplant, thrombosis, valvular disease, and vascular disease, as well as general therapies, disease markers, genetics and public health. An international Advisory Board ensures comprehensive coverage throughout the year, with discussion of topical issues included as soon as possible after publication of the original research.




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