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Biological Invasions

NLM 缩写: Biol InvasionsNLM ID: 100955490出版国家: Netherlands出版地: Dordrecht, Netherlands ; Boston ; London出版...


NLM 缩写: Biol Invasions
NLM ID: 100955490
出版国家: Netherlands
出版地: Dordrecht, Netherlands ; Boston ; London
出版商: Kluwer Academic Pub.,
出版周期: 季刊
创刊年份: 1999
语言: 英语
ISSN: 1387-3547 (印刷版)
1573-1464 (电子版)
PubMed收录: NO
研究领域: 生物无机化学

杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Biological Invasions publishes research papers on the patterns and processes of biological invasions (both human-mediated introductions and natural range expansions) in terrestrial freshwater and marine (including brackish) ecosystems. Papers concerning: the ecological consequences of invasions relative to alterations in community-ecosystem structure (including energy flow biodiversity and invasion-mediated extinction) the factors that influence inoculation establishment and persistence of invasions the mechanisms that control the abundance and distribution of invasive species biogeography genetics dispersal vectors and the evolutionary consequences of invasions in both historical and geological time are especially encouraged as are analytical syntheses and overviews of invasive biotas. Also of interest are papers with theoretical bases on biocontrol and on the release of genetically modified organisms as they illuminate the science of biological invasions as well as scholarly papers on management and policy issues as they relate to conservation programs and the global amelioration or control of invasions. The journal will consider proposals for special issues resulting from conferences or workshops on invasions.




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