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International Economics

杂志简介/稿件收录要求The International Journal of Production Economics focuses on topics treating the interface betwee...


杂志简介/稿件收录要求The International Journal of Production Economics focuses on topics treating the interface between engineering and management. All aspects of the subject in relation to manufacturing and process industries, as well as production in general are covered. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature, considering whole cycles of activities, such as the product life cycle - research, design, development, test, launch, disposal - and the material flow cycle - supply, production, distribution.The ultimate objective of the journal is to disseminate knowledge for improving industrial practice and to strengthen the theoretical base necessary for supporting sound decision making. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and the presentation of new developments in theory and application, wherever engineering and technology meet the managerial and economic environment in which industry operates. In character, the journal combines the high standards of a traditional academic approach with the practical value of industrial applications. Visit the Electronic Service



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