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Cells tissues organs

NLM 缩写: Cells Tissues OrgansNLM ID: 100883360出版国家: Switzerland出版地: Basel, New York出版商: Karger出版周期...

NLM 缩写: Cells Tissues Organs
NLM ID: 100883360 
出版国家: Switzerland
出版地: Basel, New York
出版商: Karger
出版周期: 20期/年
创刊年份: 1999
语言: 英语 
ISSN: 1422-6405 (印刷版)
1422-6421 (电子版)
1422-6405 (ISSNLinking) 
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 解剖、生物工程、细胞、计算生物学、组织学、移植

杂志简介/稿件收录要求Cells Tissues Organs', formerly 'Acta Anatomica', is a well-established journal offering rapid exchange of information gained from experimental and theoretical investigations on all aspects of the formation and transformation of biological structure. Starting in 1945 as a journal devoted to gross anatomy, histology and neuroanatomy, it has continually broadened its scope to also cover work from cell biology, developmental biology and neuroscience. Beginning in 1999, the journal will have a new emphasis on the emerging fields of tissue engineering, artificial organs, in vitro systems, transplantation biology and computational neuroscience ñ areas which are beginning to use the rapid progress of cell and developmental biology, and neuroscience. With a new name and this new focus, 'Cells Tissues Organs' offers an attractive forum for information exchange in these areas of researc. High-quality papers from more traditional fields of biology will also be accepted. The same rapid and fair peer review and the exquisite production quality that distinguished 'Acta Anatomica' will continue to be the standard for 'Cells Tissues Organs'.


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