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Brain Research

Brain research [刊名已更改]新刊名: Brain research. Gene expression patternsNLM 缩写: Brain ResNLM ID: 0045503出版国...

Brain research [刊名已更改]
新刊名: Brain research. Gene expression patterns
NLM 缩写: Brain Res
NLM ID: 0045503 
出版国家: Netherlands
出版地: Amsterdam
出版商: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press.
出版周期: Sixty no. a year,
创刊年份: 1966
语言: 英语 
SCI收录: YES  
ISSN: 0006-8993 (印刷版)
1872-6240 (电子版)
0006-8993 (ISSNLinking) 
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 脑、神经病学

杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Brain Research provides a medium for prompt publication of articles in the fields of neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neuroendocrinology, neuropharmacology, neurotoxicology, neurocommunications, behavioural sciences, molecular neurology and biocybernetics. Clinical studies that are of fundamental importance and have a direct bearing on the knowledge of the structure and function of the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nerves are also published.




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