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Clinics in dermatology

NLM 缩写: Clin DermatolNLM ID: 8406412出版国家: United States出版地: New York出版商: Elsevier出版周期: 双月刊创刊...


NLM 缩写: Clin Dermatol
NLM ID: 8406412 
出版国家: United States
出版地: New York
出版商: Elsevier
出版周期: 双月刊
创刊年份: 1983
语言: 英语 
ISSN: 0738-081X (印刷版)
1879-1131 (电子版)
0738-081X (ISSNLinking) 
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 皮肤病

杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Clinics in Dermatology brings you the most practical and comprehensive information on the treatment and care of skin disorders. Each issue features a Guest Editor and is devoted to a single timely topic relating to clinical dermatology. Clinics in Dermatology provides information that is... Clinically oriented -- from evaluation to treatment, Clinics in Dermatology covers what is most relevant to you in your practice. Authoritative -- world-renowned experts in the field assure the high-quality and currency of each issue by reporting on their areas of expertise. Well-illustrated -- each quarterly issue is complete with photos, drawings and diagrams to illustrate points and demonstrate techniques. Now affiliated with the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology (IACD). Visit the IACD web site for more information




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