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NLM 缩写: J Bone Joint Surg AmNLM ID: 0014030出版国家: United States出版地: Boston, MA出版商: Journal of Bone...

NLM 缩写: J Bone Joint Surg Am
NLM ID: 0014030 
出版国家: United States
出版地: Boston, MA
出版商: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
出版周期: 月刊
创刊年份: 1948
语言: 英语 
ISSN: 0021-9355 (印刷版)
1535-1386 (电子版) 
目前收录于: Abridged Index Medicus, IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 外科、矫形

杂志简介/稿件收录要求 For over 25 years, ORTHOPEDICS has been the preferred choice of orthopedic surgeons for clinically relevant information. A monthly, peer-reviewed journal, ORTHOPEDICS offers clinically valuable, original articles covering all aspects of adult and pediatric orthopedic surgery and treatment. Monthly columns include Blue Notes, Tips & Techniques, Guest Editorial, and Radiologic Case Study. In addition, each issue offers a Review article for CME credit, feature articles, brief reports, basic science articles, and case reports. Other features include Trauma Update, Point/Counterpoint, Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic Tumor Rounds, and Preliminary Reports




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