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Frontiers in neuroendocrinology

NLM 缩写: Front NeuroendocrinolNLM ID: 7513292出版国家: United States出版地: Orlando, FL出版商: Academic Press出版...
NLM 缩写: Front Neuroendocrinol
NLM ID: 7513292 
出版国家: United States
出版地: Orlando, FL
出版商: Academic Press
出版周期: 季刊
创刊年份: 1969
语言: 英语 
ISSN: 0091-3022 (印刷版)
1095-6808 (电子版)
0091-3022 (ISSNLinking) 
目前收录于: IM
PubMed收录: YES 
研究领域: 内分泌、神经病学、精神心理

杂志简介/稿件收录要求Academic Press is pleased to announce the return of Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, an official journal of the International Society of Neuroendocrinology. This prestigious publication reviews the exciting, rapidly moving, and in some instance, controversial aspects of the broad field of brainñendocrine interactions. First created to update Neuroendocrinology, a comprehensive two-volume review published by Academic Press in 1966, Frontiers began as a series of bound review articles produced on a biennial basis. Converted to a quarterly journal in 1990, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology has built a reputation for topical authoritative reviews and rates near the top of both neuroscience and endocrine journals in terms of citations and impact.




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