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Cell Rep:科学家发现遗传性癫痫病新成因



  遗传性癫痫是危害巨大的神经系统疾病,特别在婴幼儿中的癫痫病患中更加多发。近年来全基因组测序发现多种Slack 钾离子通道的突变体可以引起遗传性癫痫,但其生物物理机制及对疾病的预防和治疗的影响尚未阐明。






  原文链接:Epilepsy-Related Slack Channel Mutants Lead to Channel Over-Activity by Two Different Mechanisms


  原文摘要:Twelve sodium-activated potassium channel (KCNT1, Slack) genetic mutants have been identified from severe early-onset epilepsy patients. The changes in biophysical properties of these mutants and the underlying mechanisms causing disease remain elusive. Here, we report that seven of the 12 mutations increase, wheras one mutation decreases, the channel’s sodium sensitivity. Two of the mutants exhibit channel over-activity only when the intracellular Na+([Na+]i) concentration is ∼80 mM. In contrast, single-channel data reveal that all 12 mutants increase the maximal open probability (Po). We conclude that these mutant channels lead to channel over-activity predominantly by increasing the ability of sodium binding to activate the channel, which is indicated by its maximal Po. The sodium sensitivity of these epilepsy causing mutants probably determines the [Na+]i concentration at which these mutants exert their pathological effects.


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