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Cell Metab:癌症基因扰乱细胞正常生物钟和代谢


    17日Cell旗下Cell metabolism杂志上发表宾夕法尼亚大学的Chi V. Dang研究团队发现癌基因Myc会扰乱细胞的生物钟和代谢的相关论文。这项研究表明,MYC能结合到关键基因的启动子区域,改变细胞的代谢和昼夜节律。这种蛋白具有双重功能,不仅在代谢通路中起作用,还能抑制BMAL1的抑癌效果。这项研究有助于更好的理解癌细胞如何有效维持快速复制。


    文章第一作者Brian Altman博士说“MYC癌细胞的节律性振荡发生改变,是因为蛋白REV-ERBα的表达水平被上调,这类癌症应该很适合采取时间疗法(chronotherapy)”。“我们的工作将癌细胞代谢与癌症时间疗法关联起来。”癌症时间疗法的理论基础是,在正确的时间进行治疗,可以有效杀死癌细胞,同时减少对正常细胞的副作用。已知CLOCK-BMAL1二聚体是生物钟的重要调控子,而MYC在基因组中的结合位点与CLOCK-BMAL1相同。因此研究人员推测,癌细胞中的MYC异常表达可能会影响到生物钟。






    原文链接:MYC Disrupts the Circadian Clock and metabolism in Cancer Cells


    原文摘要:The MYC oncogene encodes MYC, a transcription factor that binds the genome through sites termed E-boxes (5′-CACGTG-3′), which are identical to the binding sites of the heterodimeric CLOCK-BMAL1 master circadian transcription factor. Hence, we hypothesized that ectopic MYC expression perturbs the clock by deregulating E-box-driven components of the circadian network in cancer cells. We report here that deregulated expression of MYC or N-MYC disrupts the molecular clock in vitro by directly inducing REV-ERBα to dampen expression and oscillation of BMAL1, and this could be rescued by knockdown of REV-ERB. REV-ERBα expression predicts poor clinical outcome for N-MYC-driven human neuroblastomas that have diminished BMAL1 expression, and re-expression of ectopic BMAL1 in neuroblastoma cell lines suppresses their clonogenicity. Further, ectopic MYC profoundly alters oscillation of glucose metabolism and perturbs glutaminolysis. Our results demonstrate an unsuspected link between oncogenic transformation and circadian and metabolic dysrhythmia, which we surmise to be advantageous for cancer.



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