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Cell Rep:新研究或可抑制乳腺癌转移


刊登在国际杂志Cell Reports上的一篇研究论文中,来自比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)等处的研究者通过研究发现,减少PHD2氧气传感器的表达就可以损伤乳腺癌细胞转移到机体其它组织的能力;乳腺癌是第二大引发女性死亡的癌症,本文研究发现PHD2的抑制或许是一种有价值的潜在治疗靶点,该研究首次在乳腺癌模型中检测了阻断PHD2引发的效应,同时研究者还发现了间质成纤维细胞的未知角色,这种细胞可以支持癌细胞生长并且促进癌症发生转移。


研究者Peter Carmeliet教授表示,我们发现阻断PHD2氧气传感器就可以减少癌症发生转移主要通过两种途径,首先是帮助肿瘤血管恢复正常,降低癌细胞逃离原始发病位点;其次是阻断癌细胞拦截附近的成纤维细胞,使其作为支持性组织供给癌细胞扩散。新型PHD2的阻断剂当前正在临床中进行检测来帮助治疗血液障碍。


原文标题:The Cancer Cell Oxygen Sensor PHD2 Promotes metastasis via Activation of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts

原文摘要:Several questions about the role of the oxygen sensor prolyl-hydroxylase 2 (PHD2) in cancer have not been addressed. First, the role of PHD2 in metastasis has not been studied in a spontaneous tumor model. Here, we show that global PHD2 haplodeficiency reduced metastasis without affecting tumor growth. Second, it is unknown whether PHD2 regulates cancer by affecting cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). We show that PHD2 haplodeficiency reduced metastasis via two mechanisms: (1) by decreasing CAF activation, matrix production, and contraction by CAFs, an effect that surprisingly relied on PHD2 deletion in cancer cells, but not in CAFs; and (2) by improving tumor vessel normalization. Third, the effect of concomitant PHD2 inhibition in malignant and stromal cells (mimicking PHD2 inhibitor treatment) is unknown. We show that global PHD2 haplodeficiency, induced not only before but also after tumor onset, impaired metastasis. These findings warrant investigation of PHD2’s therapeutic potential.


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