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    Weizmann研究所的科学家们用胚胎干细胞成功修复了小鼠受损的肺部组织,这一策略有望成为治疗人类患者的新途径。这一成果发表在七月十四日的Nature Medicine杂志上。

    我们知道干细胞能够分化成为机体内任何类型的细胞,可用于补充和更新在疾病中受损的细胞,因此用干细胞治疗被许多人视为下一次医疗革命。人体器官的干细胞并非分散在组织中,而是集中在特殊的“巢穴”里,干细胞巢含有干细胞所需的所有给养。肺部的正常干细胞与骨髓干细胞高度相似,“这说明我们可以像骨髓移植那样修复肺部组织,”Weizmann研究所的Yair Reisner教授说。





推荐原文:Preconditioning allows engraftment of mouse and human embryonic lung cells, enabling lung repair in mice

Repair of injured lungs represents a longstanding therapeutic challenge. We show that human and mouse embryonic lung tissue from the canalicular stage of development (20–22 weeks of gestation for humans, and embryonic day 15–16 (E15–E16) for mouse) are enriched with progenitors residing in distinct niches. On the basis of the marked analogy to progenitor niches in bone marrow (BM), we attempted strategies similar to BM transplantation, employing sublethal radiation to vacate lung progenitor niches and to reduce stem cell competition. Intravenous infusion of a single cell suspension of canalicular lung tissue from GFP-marked mice or human fetal donors into naphthalene-injured and irradiated syngeneic or SCID mice, respectively, induced marked long-term lung chimerism. Donor type structures or 'patches' contained epithelial, mesenchymal and endothelial cells. Transplantation of differentially labeled E16 mouse lung cells indicated that these patches were probably of clonal origin from the donor. Recipients of the single cell suspension transplant exhibited marked improvement in lung compliance and tissue damping reflecting the energy dissipation in the lung tissues. Our study provides proof of concept for lung reconstitution by canalicular-stage human lung cells after preconditioning of the pulmonary niche.


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