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Molecular Cell:切断癌细胞的补给线——自噬



    日前科学家们开发了一个小分子药物,可以特异性阻断癌细胞自噬的第一步,有效切断它们的补给线。相关论文发表在六月二十五日的Molecular Cell杂志上。

    “这项研究开辟了攻击癌症的新途径,”文章的资深作者,Salk研究所的Reuben Shaw教授说。“我们的抑制剂结合靶向治疗可以发挥最大的作用。”


    Shaw认为,抑制ULK1可以切断能量补给进而杀死癌细胞。他与SBP的Nicholas Cosford教授合作,筛选了可以抑制ULK1的小分子。“Reuben很了解自噬的基础生物学,而我们拥有化学的专业知识,将二者结合起来是这项研究获得成功的关键,”Cosford说。“我们找到的药物在体外和肿瘤细胞内都能靶标ULK1。而且这种药物有选择性,不影响健康细胞。人们可以在此基础上开发治疗癌症的新药。”


    有一些关闭细胞生长和分裂的癌症药物,会使癌细胞更依赖回收程序,比如mTOR抑制剂。这些癌细胞没有死亡而是进入了休眠状态,能够在治疗停止后复发。“抑制ULK1会切断癌细胞的后路,让现有的抗癌治疗更加有效,”文章的第一作者Matthew Chun说。


    原文标题:Small Molecule Inhibition of the Autophagy Kinase ULK1 and Identification of ULK1 Substrates

    原文摘要:Many tumors become addicted to autophagy for survival, suggesting inhibition of autophagy as a potential broadly applicable cancer therapy. ULK1/Atg1 is the only serine/threonine kinase in the core autophagy pathway and thus represents an excellent drug target. Despite recent advances in the understanding of ULK1 activation by nutrient deprivation, how ULK1 promotes autophagy remains poorly understood. Here, we screened degenerate peptide libraries to deduce the optimal ULK1 substrate motif and discovered 15 phosphorylation sites in core autophagy proteins that were verified as in vivo ULK1 targets. We utilized these ULK1 substrates to perform a cell-based screen to identify and characterize a potent ULK1 small molecule inhibitor. The compound SBI-0206965 is a highly selective ULK1 kinase inhibitor in vitro and suppressed ULK1-mediated phosphorylation events in cells, regulating autophagy and cell survival. SBI-0206965 greatly synergized with mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors to kill tumor cells, providing a strong rationale for their combined use in the clinic.



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