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Cell Stem Cell:在结肠中鉴定到了与癌症生长有关的新干细胞群体


    结肠癌(colon cancer)是一种常见的消化系统恶性肿瘤,发病率占胃肠道恶性肿瘤的第三位。随着饮食习惯的改变和人口老龄化,我国的结肠癌发病率逐年增加,而且有年轻化的趋势。近年来,结肠癌的诊断和治疗都有了明显的进展,许多患者得以在早期发现并接受相应的治疗。然而在切除原发肿瘤之后,结肠癌往往会复发和转移,其死亡率并没有得到明显改善。


    Lawson健康研究所的Dr. Samuel Asfaha和同事对此展开了研究,并在结肠中发现了前所未知的新干细胞群体。研究显示,这些干细胞寿命很长而且可以抵抗放疗,更重要的是能够形成结肠肿瘤并维持它们的生长。




    原文标题:Krt19+/Lgr5− Cells Are Radioresistant Cancer-Initiating Stem Cells in the colon and Intestine

    原文摘要:Epithelium of the colon and intestine are renewed every 3 days. In the intestine there are at least two principal stem cell pools. The first contains rapid cycling crypt-based columnar (CBC) Lgr5+cells, and the second is composed of slower cycling Bmi1-expressing cells at the +4 position above the crypt base. In the colon, however, the identification of Lgr5− stem cell pools has proven more challenging. Here, we demonstrate that the intermediate filament keratin-19 (Krt19) marks long-lived, radiation-resistant cells above the crypt base that generate Lgr5+ CBCs in the colon and intestine. In colorectal cancer models, Krt19+ cancer-initiating cells are also radioresistant, while Lgr5+ stem cells are radiosensitive. Moreover, Lgr5+ stem cells are dispensable in both the normal and neoplastic colonic epithelium, as ablation of Lgr5+ stem cells results in their regeneration from Krt19-expressing cells. Thus, Krt19+ stem cells are a discrete target relevant for cancer therapy.



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