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Nature: 恶性肿瘤转移的关键分子


    肿瘤可以释放大量的肿瘤细胞进入到循环系统(淋巴和血液系统),这些细胞中的一小部分可以进入到远处的器官并存活下来,形成癌症转移灶。之前,已经有文章表明,复杂细胞群内个体细胞形成继发性病变的能力,表现出了异质性。近日,来自冷泉港霍华德休斯医学研究所的研究组发现, Serpine2和Slpi可以使肿瘤细胞形成血管样的网状结构,从而促进了肿瘤细胞的渗透和转移。此研究结果近日在线发表在Nauture杂志上。








    原文标题:A model of breast cancer heterogeneity reveals vascular mimicry as a driver of metastasis

    原文摘要:Cancer metastasis requires that primary tumour cells evolve the capacity to intravasate into the lymphatic system or vasculature, and extravasate into and colonize secondary sites1. Others have demonstrated that individual cells within complex populations show heterogeneity in their capacity to form secondary lesions2, 3, 4, 5. Here we develop a polyclonal mouse model of breast tumour heterogeneity, and show that distinct clones within a mixed population display specialization, for example, dominating the primary tumour, contributing to metastatic populations, or showing tropism for entering the lymphatic or vasculature systems. We correlate these stable properties to distinct gene expression profiles. Those clones that efficiently enter the vasculature express two secreted proteins, Serpine2 and Slpi, which were necessary and sufficient to program these cells for vascular mimicry. Our data indicate that these proteins not only drive the formation of extravascular networks but also ensure their perfusion by acting as anticoagulants. We propose that vascular mimicry drives the ability of some breast tumour cells to contribute to distant metastases while simultaneously satisfying a critical need of the primary tumour to be fed by the vasculature. Enforced expression of SERPINE2 and SLPI in human breast cancer cell lines also programmed them for vascular mimicry, and SERPINE2 and SLPI were overexpressed preferentially in human patients that had lung-metastatic relapse. Thus, these two secreted proteins, and the phenotype they promote, may be broadly relevant as drivers of metastatic progression in human cancer.



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