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    -近日,来自美国的科学家在著名国际期刊PNAS发表一项最新研究成果,他们发现 purinosome的组装与去组装过程随细胞周期变化并且与细胞周期过程中嘌呤的生物合成过程有关,并且在不同细胞模型中purinosome可能出现在细胞周期的不同阶段。
    Purinosome formation as a function of the cell cycle
 Chung Yu Chana,1, Hong Zhaob,1, Raymond J. Pughb, Anthony M. Pedleyb, Jarrod Frenchc, Sara A. Jonesd,Xiaowei Zhuange, Hyder Jinnahf, Tony Jun Huanga, and Stephen J. Benkovicb,2
 The de novo purine biosynthetic pathway relies on six enzymes to catalyze the conversion of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate to inosine 5′-monophosphate. Under purine-depleted conditions, these enzymes form a multienzyme complex known as the purinosome. Previous studies have revealed the spatial organization and importance of the purinosome within mammalian cancer cells. In this study, time-lapse fluorescence microscopy was used to investigate the cell cycle dependency on purinosome formation in two cell models. Results in HeLa cells under purine-depleted conditions demonstrated a significantly higher number of cells with purinosomes in the G1 phase, which was further confirmed by cell synchronization. HGPRT-deficient fibroblast cells also exhibited the greatest purinosome formation in the G1 phase; however, elevated levels of purinosomes were also observed in the S and G2/M phases. The observed variation in cell cycle-dependent purinosome formation between the two cell models tested can be attributed to differences in purine biosynthetic mechanisms. Our results demonstrate that purinosome formation is closely related to the cell cycle.


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