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    Georgetown Lombardi癌症中心的研究人员在Oncogene杂志上发表了惊人的发现,紧紧挤在一起的癌细胞突然改变心意放弃了扩散,而这一现象与控制器官大小的细胞通路有关。


    “癌症治疗真正需要的是想办法阻止癌细胞在转移位点生长,而我们发现的机制似乎可以做到这一点,”文章的资深作者Anton Wellstein教授说。


    Wellstein实验室的Ghada M. Sharif博士注意到,与在低密度环境中生长的癌细胞相比,高密度的癌细胞在侵袭组织的时候效率比较低。他和同事为此进行了深入的研究。










    原文链接:Cell growth density modulates cancer cell vascular invasion via Hippo pathway activity and CXCR2 signaling

metastasis of cancer cells involves multiple steps, including their dissociation from the primary tumor and invasion through the endothelial cell barrier to enter the circulation and finding their way to distant organ sites wher they extravasate and establish metastatic lesions. Deficient contact inhibition is a hallmark of invasive cancer cells, yet surprisingly the vascular invasiveness of commonly studied cancer cell lines is regulated by the density at which cells are propagated in culture. Cells grown at high density were less effective at invading an endothelial monolayer than cells grown at low density. This phenotypic difference was also observed in a zebrafish model of vascular invasion of cancer cells after injection into the yolk sac and extravasation of cancer cells into tissues from the vasculature. The vascular invasive phenotypes were reversible. A kinome-wide RNA interference screen was used to identify drivers of vascular invasion by panning small hairpin RNA (shRNA) library-transduced noninvasive cancer cell populations on endothelial monolayers. The selecion of invasive subpopulations showed enrichment of shRNAs targeting the large tumor suppressor 1 (LATS1) kinase that inhibits the activity of the transcriptional coactivator yes-associated protein (YAP) in the Hippo pathway. Depletion of LATS1 from noninvasive cancer cells restored the invasive phenotype. Complementary to this, inhibition or depletion of YAP inhibited invasion in vitro and in vivo. The vascular invasive phenotype was associated with a YAP-dependent upregulation of the cytokines IL6, IL8 and C-X-C motif ligand 1, 2 and 3. Antibody blockade of cytokine receptors inhibited invasion and confirmed that they are rate-limiting drivers that promote cancer cell vascular invasiveness and could provide therapeutic targets.


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