主页 > 技术交流 > 蛋白质学技术 >









1、Western blotting:

Western blotting using ECL reagent
used by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of Florida
Kamps's Western Blotting Protocol
used by:Sefton Lab, Salk Institute
Dry Transfer 干法蛋白转膜
used by:The Preuss Lab,The Division of Biological Sciences,The University of Chicago
Western Blot of TBP from TBP-GST bacteria
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Western Blot/Anti-P-CREB
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Western blotting protocol for 1C2, 3B5H10, and 4C8 Antibodies
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Protocol for anti-HA antibody Western Blotting
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Probing and Stripping of Western Blot
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Western Blotting Protocol
used by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of Virginia
Western Blotting and Immunostaining
used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University
Western Blots
used by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Western Blotting - Antibodies
used by:The Minion Lab, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University
Western Blotting
used by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard University
Carbonate Solution For Western Blot
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Western Blot with BSA
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
METHOD for Western Blots
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Western Blots
used by:Michael Koelle's Lab,Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Yale University


Lysis Buffers
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Yeast Protein Isolation "Yaffe-Schatz"
used by:Amberg Lab ,Upstate Medical University
Guanidine Hydrochloride Purification of Proteins From SDS PAGE
used by:Gottschling Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Yeast protein prep for SDS PAGE and western (rapid)
used by:Gottschling Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Yeast protein prep for SDS PAGE and western (glass bead)
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Purification of TFIIIC from yeast
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Purification of TFIIA from E. coli
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
TCA protein precipitation
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Purification of MLCK ( Myosin Light Chain Kinase )from Rabbit Skeletal Muscle肌球蛋白轻链激酶
used by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Purification of Calmodulin from Bovine Brain
used by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Myosin Light Chain Preparation from Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle
used by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Purifying Protein from Inclusion Bodies
used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University
Protocol for Protein Extraction from Plant
used by:The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Protein Core Facility (PCF)
Taq Polymerase Purification
used by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard University
Yeast Protein Prep (No Boil)
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Yeast Protein Prep (Boil)
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
GST Fusion Protein Prep
used by:Vesicle Trafficking, Stanford University


used by:Hancock Laboratory Methods,Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada
James Hardwick's angiotensin assay protocol
used by:Sefton Lab,Salk Institute
Phosphoamino acid analysis:Mark Kamps's method
used by:Sefton Lab,Salk Institute
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Protocol for Beta-Hexosaminidase RBL-2H3 Secretion Assay
used by:meyer lab,Stanford University
Measurement of Myosin Regulatory Light Chain (RLC) Phosphorylation
used by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Protein Assay
used by:David R. Caprette, Rice University
Biuret Protein Assay
used by:David R. Caprette, Rice University
Bradford protein assay
used by:David R. Caprette, Rice University
Hartree-Lowry and Modified Lowry Protein Assays
used by:David R. Caprette, Rice University
Colorimetric Assays
used by:David R. Caprette, Rice University
Kd measurement, fitting, calculation, and simulation
used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University


DSP Crosslinking
used by:Peter Novick Lab, Department of Cell Biology Yale University School of Medicine
Labeling Gc-Globulin with Carboxyfluorescein Succinimidyl Ester
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Tubulin with Tetramethylrhodamine Succinimidyl Ester
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Gizzard Vinculin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamide
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Gizzard Alpha-actinin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamide
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Gizzard Myosin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamide (primarily 17kD MLC)
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Gizzard Myosin with Tetramethyorhodamine Iodoacetamide (MHC and 17kD MLC)
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Muscle Actin with N-(1-pyrene) Iodoacetamide
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Muscle Actin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamide
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Muscle Actin with Carboxyfluorescein Succinimidyle Ester
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
Labeling Muscle Actin with 5-Iodoacetamidofluorescein
used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)
ultimate mammalian cell pulse-chase
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
ultimate yeast pulse-chase
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Gluteraldehyde Conjugation of Oligopeptides to Proteins
used by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Fluorescein labeling of proteins
used by:David Chambers,Salk institute
Biosynthetic labeling
used by:Sefton Lab, Salk Institute , San Diego, California


Immunoprecipitation buffers and protocols
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Cell Lysis/Western/IP
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Amplification and Labelling with Cy dyes
used by:Yale Genome Analysis Center, Yale University
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation from Mammalian Cell Extracts
used by:Yale Genome Analysis Center, Yale University
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation from Yeast Whole Cell Extracts
used by:Yale Genome Analysis Center, Yale University
used by:Hancock Laboratory Methods. Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada
Ultimate yeast denaturing IP
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Ultimate mammalian nondenaturing IP
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Ultimate mammalian denaturing IP
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Ultimate yeast ChIP assay
used by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laborat ory
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay and PCR
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Yeast Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Mirmira Lab ChIP Protocol
used by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of Virginia
ChIP Assay Protocol
used by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of Virginia
Immunoprecipitation and Immune Complex kinase assay
used by:Sefton Lab, Salk Institute
General Principles of Immunoprecipitation
used by:Sefton Lab, Salk Institute

6、 融合蛋白表达及纯化

Use of B-PER lysis reagent to purify recombinant proteins tagged with His6 or maltose binding protein
used by:Smith Lab,Division of Biological Sciences,University of Missouri
Bacterial Expression of Kinesin Motors
used by:Liz Greene and Steve Henikoff
Purification of recombinant sBRF M166L
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Protein Expression and Purification of RPA70-AB
used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University
Co-Expression and purification of human DNA primase p49-p58 subunits引发酶p49-p58亚基共表达纯化方法
used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University
Protein Expression and Purification of MBP-T antigen MBP-T抗原表达纯化
used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University
Perspectives on Baculovirus Expression Systems表达
used by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Expression & Purification of His Tagged Proteins in E. coli
used by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard University


Amplifying a large phage-display library without losing diversity
used by:Smith Lab,Division of Biological Sciences,University of Missouri
Protein Interaction Analysis Using an IASYS Biosensor
used by:Kitto Lab, The University of Texas at Austin
Yeast Two-Hybrid Screen with Library and Bait
used by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of Virginia


used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Gel Drying干胶
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
NuPAGE Gel Electrophoresis 蛋白电泳
used by:Kitto Lab, The University of Texas at Austin
Isoelectric Focussing of Membrane Proteins by Slab Gel Method
used by:Hancock Laboratory Methods,Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada
Silver Staining SDS PAGE Gels
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
E. coli total protein for SDS PAGE
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Comassie Blue Protein gel stain
used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Coomassie & Silver Staining of Polyacrylamide Gels
used by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
2-D Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
used by:Molecular Profiling Initiative, National Cancer Institute(NCI)
Silver Staining of SDS-PAGE Gels
used by:The Minion Lab, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University
used by:The Minion Lab, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University
CuCl2 Staining of SDS-PAGE Gels
used by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard University
Electroelution of Proteins From SDS-PAGE Gels
used by:Drs. C Cepko and C Tabin, Harvard University
Silver Stain of Protein Gels
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
used by:Michael Koelle's Lab,Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Yale University


Polycrystalline thin films质谱样品准备
used by:Prowl Lab,Rockefeller University
Seeded films (Vorm-Roepstorff)
used by:Prowl Lab,Rockefeller University
Dried droplet
used by:Prowl Lab,Rockefeller University
In-gel Tryptic Digest for Protein ID by Mass Spectrometry
used by:Mitshison Lab, Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School


Polycrystalline thin films
used by:PROWL, Rockefeller University
Slow crystallization
used by:PROWL, Rockefeller University
Crystallization of Kinesin Family Motor Proteins驱动蛋白家族的结晶条件和晶体参数
used by:Liz Greene and Steve Henikoff
Crystallization Trials
used by:Liz Greene and Steve Henikoff

11、in vitro protein synthesis

Protein Syntheses in Cell Free Systems
used by:The Laboratory of William Heidcamp at Gustavus Adolphus University


6xHis-tagged protein purification using Qiagen Ni-NTA Column under Native Conditions
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Purification of dnEBNA-1/Soft from E. coli BL21 LysS
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Purification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化(方法四)筛选表达株
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Purification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化,方法三,纯化小量蛋白
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Purification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化,方法二
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Purification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化,方法一
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Purification of 6xHis epitope tagged proteins by Ni-NTA-Agarose His标签蛋白纯化
used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School
Fusion Protein Isolation 融合蛋白分离纯化
used by:Peter Novick Lab, Department of Cell Biology Yale University School of Medicine
Affinity Column Preparation 亲和层析柱制备
used by:Peter Novick Lab, Department of Cell Biology Yale University School of Medicine
Preparation of Affinity Column制备亲和层析柱
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF
Column Buffers
used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF


Glutathione - a microassay for determining glutathione content in cells 检测细胞谷胱苷肽含量
used by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of Florida
Bradford Protein Assay - a microassay for determining protein content in a 96-well microtiter plate format
used by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of Florida
Lowry Protein Assay
used by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of Florida
Bradford Assay
used by:Kitto Lab, The University of Texas at Austin




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